Your UOWM institutional account also corresponds to your university email address. For example, if you have the username psy01234 , your email address is psy01234@uowm.gr .
The creation and access to your online account will be possible in
a period of approximately 1-3 hours, after the end of the activation process of your UOWM Institutional Account (Uregister).
You can send or read your messages at https://webmail.uowm.gr/students or set up an email program according to the instructions you will find below :
Incoming e-mail server: mail2.uowm.gr
Protocol: POP
Security: SSL/TLS
Incoming e-mail port: 995
Outgoing email server: smtp.uowm.gr
Outgoing e-mail port: 587
Outgoing email security: STARTLS