Examinations -  Tests

Students are assessed with a final written or oral examination, at the end of semester. The examination method should be the same for all students, except for those with learning difficulties. Any deviation from the prescribed examination date or method is not permitted, unless it is requested due to serious health problems. Students with special abilities or learning difficulties may get specific testing accommodations provided they request it in writing.  In these cases, the Assembly decides on the method of examination, if this is not clearly outlined in the submitted diagnostic report certifying a student’s learning difficulty. If the diagnostic report demonstrates a student's inability to take part in written exams, they are offered the possibility of an oral exam. For testing accommodations, there is no change in the content of the exam material, subjects, and curriculum.

To support students with special education needs, sufficient time is given before the oral exam to study the exam topics, understand them and take rough notes for the oral examination, if desired. However, under no circumstances will the rough notes be used for the final grade.

Students requesting specific accommodations , are required to submit a written application.

Exams are taken in three periods:

  1. January, for Fall semester courses,
  2. June, for spring semester courses and
  3. September (re-sit exams), for courses during both semesters

Exam period lasts for a maximum of four weeks.

Exam schedules for each semester are communicated to students at least two weeks before the exam period. In case of semester extension, the exam period will be rearranged accordingly. Exam schedules for September are communicated in June. To sit the final exams at the end of semester, students must have fulfilled  the compulsory educational activities, in compliance with current legislation.

In addition to the grade resulting from the prescribed final exams, course instructors may administer additional midterm exams or tests, which may serve as the final assessment for a course. These tests may fall into one or more of the following:

  • Written and/or oral mid-term exams
  • Written exercises in class
  • Laboratory exercises
  • Homework
  • Active participation in working groups.

The final score will incorporate both final exam scores and the scores from other assessment methods with weights determined by course instructors.

During the first week of each semester, the compulsory and optional educational activities, assessment procedures and any other relevant information are posted on the Department website or e-Class platform by course instructors.

Exam organization is undertaken by the Assembly. During exams, course instructors are present in the room. Invigilators, who are teaching staff members, teaching assistants, technical staff, adjunct faculty, Ph.D. candidates, postgraduate students, scholarship holders, and administration staff, must not be offensive to students during exams. The minimum and maximum duration for written exams is set by the teaching staff . Each day of the exam period is divided into six two-hour periods starting at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, and 19:00.

Regulations for the Examinations

Students must show upon request proof of their student status. Otherwise, they are not allowed to participate in the exams. The required control at the beginning of the exam is the responsibility of the invigilators and the course instructor of course.

Cooperation, conversation, and any exchange of objects between the participants in the examination are prohibited.

It is forbidden to enter the rooms where the examination is held after it has started and during it.

Examinees are obliged to comply with the invigilators' instructions regarding their arrangement in the room.

The use of any type of aid (books, notes, etc.) is prohibited, with the exception of those expressly permitted by the course instructor.

During the examination, the use of mobile phones is prohibited, they must be switched off. Cell phones are not allowed to be used as calculators. Any attempt to turn on or use a mobile phone during the exam is considered an attempt to cheat and will automatically nullify the exam sheet (by the invigilators).

The exam topics must be returned together with the student's answer sheets. Any reference sheet that might be given to the students during the exam is also returned. If the course instructor allows it, the students can take the topics with them and not hand them in.

It is forbidden for the examinee to leave the room during the examination. A brief exit may be allowed, only after the permission of the supervisor and due to extreme necessity.

During the exams, the technical staff may limit internet access through the wireless networks of the Departments.

Students accept the above rules by participating in the exams.

In cases of cheating or violation of the above rules, the invigilator informs the responsible course instructor who is then obliged to inform the Assembly accordingly. Then the Assembly, after an evaluation of the matter in which it can also request the presence of the student involved (or students involved), must, if it is proven that the rules of the exams have been violated, take the following actions:

  1. If it was the first time that there was a violation of the rules by the specific student, a ban is imposed on participation in the examination of the specific course until the corresponding examination period of the following academic year. If, e.g. a student is found to be cheating in a course during the September examination period, has the right to retake that course in the September examination period of the following year.
  2. In case of copying or violation of the exam rules for a second time, the Assembly, apart from what is mentioned in (i), imposes a ban on the student from participating in the exams of all courses of the following academic semester.


The performance in the courses is evaluated with points given during the knowledge assessment process. Each course is independently graded with an accuracy of one decimal place. The grading scale for the student's overall performance is defined from zero to ten. Specifically, the grade scale is: "Excellent" from 8.5 to 10, "Very good" from 6.5 to 8.49, and "Good" from 5 to 6.49. The minimum passing grade is 5.0. Grades lower that 5.0 fail the exam and the student has to re-sit the course exam in the next exam period.

The results of the exams are registered electronically for each student by the course instructor within four weeks, at the most, of the exam of the course, and in any case in a reasonable time so as not to hinder the process of selecting courses by the students. Students are informed of the exam grade from their institutional account. Students cannot retake a course in which a passing grade already exists. In the case of two or more passing grades, the grade from the older examination period applies.

The student has the right to be informed by the course instructor about the method of grading, regardless of the type of examination.

A change of registered score is allowed, following a request from the course instructor to the  secretariat of the program.

The student is obliged to repeat the courses in which he/she did not receive a passable grade and therefore to be examined according to the new conditions if there is any change (e.g. in the material).

If the student fails three or more times in a course, by decision of the Director, he/she is examined, following his application, by a three-member committee of member of staff of the program, who have the same or a related subject and are appointed by the Director. The course instructor is excluded from this committee.