All higher education students are eligible to apply for the academic identity card. However, academic identity card may be also valid as a special fare card, giving access to the discounts provided by applicable law, only in the following cases of students, namely:
(a) full-time undergraduate students, who are not already holders of a university degree, and for as many years as required to obtain a degree in accordance with the indicative curriculum, accrued by two (2) years.
(b) part-time undergraduate students, who are not already holders of a university degree, for double the years required to obtain a degree in accordance with the indicative curriculum
(c) postgraduate students who are not already holders of a postgraduate degree, for as many years as required to obtain a degree in accordance with the indicative curriculum
(d) doctoral students who are not already holders of a doctoral degree for four (4) years as from the date of their registration
(e) students from Member States of the European Union or third countries studying in a Greek University within the framework of the Erasmus mobility programme of the European Union for as long as they pursue their studies in the Greek University.
Should one cease to be a student for any reason, would automatically result in the termination of the right to hold an academic identity card, which in this case, should be returned to the secretariat of the pertinent department.
In order to be able to submit an online application for at https://academicid.minedu.gov.gr/ an academic identity card, an undergraduate student is required to have academic credentials (username – password) given to students by the relevant Department upon their registration to be used for all online services of the Institution.