Learning outcomes:

Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Atomic Structure and Bonding, Crystal and Amorphous Structure of Materials, Solidification and Crystalline Imperfections, Diffusion in Solids, Mechanical Properties of Metals, Phase Diagrams, Engineering Alloys, Polymeric Materials, Ceramics, Composite Materials, Corrosion, Electrical Properties of Materials, Optical Properties of Materials and Superconductivity, Magnetic Properties, Biological Materials and Biomaterials


  • Code :             X34
  • Semester :     3rd
  • Effort :              7.5 ECTS
  • Hours :             3 per week
  • Type :                Chemistry
  • Department : Chemistry
  • Exams :             Yes

Course Contents:

By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Name various materials and give applications of different materials types.
  • Establish the importance of materials Science and Engineering in the selection of materials
  • Describe the nature and structure of atoms as well as their electronic structure
  • Describe primary and secondary bonds as well as mixed bonding
  • Describe the effect of bond type on the mechanical and electrical properties of materials.
  • Compute the density of metals with bcc and fcc cubic structures
  • Describe X-ray diffraction and its use in characterization of materials
  • Draw directions and planes in cubic and hexagonal crystals
  • Distinguish between single-crystal and polycrystalline materials and their corresponding effect on mechanical properties
  • Clarify various types of crystalline imperfections and explain the role of defects in the electrical and mechanical properties of crystalline materials.
  • Describe the techniques of SEM, TEM, HRTEM, AFM and STM
  • Describe rate processes in solids and the two main mechanism of diffusion as well as their industrial applications.
  • Explain the effect of grain size and grain boundary on the plastic deformation and properties of a metal
  • Describe the effect of nanograin size on the strength and ductility of metals
  • Describe cooling curves and phase diagrams- ternary phase diagrams
  • Reconstruct the iron-carbon phase diagram with appropriate phases, reactions and microstructures
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of alloys
  • Define and classify ceramic materials as well as ceramic coatings and applications
  • Define and classify polymers, thermosets, thermoplastics and elastomers
  • Define composite materials, major components and corresponding applications
  • Define corrosion and the respective electrochemical reactions
  • Define conductivity, semiconductivity and insulative properties in different material classes.
  • Explain the phenomena associated with light radiation as it passes from one medium into another.
  • Describe the two sources for magnetic moments in materials
  • Define and classify biological materials and biomaterials
  • Understand the principles of tissue engineering