UoWM Support Units and Services

1. Support Unit for International Students

The mission of the International Student Support Unit (ISSU):

  1. helping international students with enrolment procedures in study programmes of Higher Educational Institutions (H.E.I.),
  2. providing assistance to international students in obtaining an entry visa and residence permit for study purposes and communicating with the competent State bodies regarding these matters,
  3. facilitating the process of concluding contracts for residence permits for study purposes, in accordance with article 37 of Law 4251/2014 (A' 80),
  4. offering support to students during studies,
  5. collaborating with the competent university services,
  6. organizing Greek language courses or other foreign languages, ​​in collaboration with the competent university units ,
  7. carrying out any other duties specified in the university Organization related to the scope of the Support Unit for International Students.

click to transfer you to ISSU official page

click to transfer you to ISSU official page

2. Accessibility Centre for Students of Vulnerable Social Groups

The Accessibility Centre for Students of Vulnerable Social Groups ( is under the responsibility of the Directorate of Academic Affairs & Student Welfare, and particularly, the Department of Student Welfare. The Psychological and Counselling Support Structure, which is staffed with five psychologists also belongs to the Unit.

The Unit aims at promoting equal participation in higher education and improving timely completion of studies for students who belong to Vulnerable Social Groups (VSG), such as students with disabilities and students with low socioeconomic backgrounds. The Unit’s Psychological and Counselling Support Structure , which is run in the five university cities (Grevena, Kastoria, Kozani, Ptolemaida, Florina), provides individual and group psychological support services and consulting.

To ensure accessibility to UoWM buildings and facilities of all Students from Socially Vulnerable Groups, regular inspections are carried out by competent University staff.

Electronic and information accessibility is supported by the open collection of Supportive IT Technologies ATHENA:

Accessibility Centre for Students of Vulnerable Social Groups

3. Career Office

The University Career Office ( creates a bridge connecting students and graduates with the wider scientific, academic and professional context, providing counselling and guidance to graduates, facilitating pursuing further studies both in Greece and abroad, and contributing to their integration in the labour market

It provides specialized consulting and support on topics, such as preparation and formatting of a Curriculum Vitae, coaching for a job interview, writing cover and motivation letters for postgraduate applications, advice on job search techniques and resources, and decision-making techniques, all aimed at facilitating successful integration of graduates in the labour market, and strengthening the extroversion of the University of Western Macedonia in contemporary work and social contexts.

In addition, UoWM Career Office provides information on Postgraduate Programmes, sources of financial support, scholarships, awards, job positions offered in Greece and abroad, lifelong learning programmes, seminars, conferences, and Volunteer Employment Programmes.

On the new website of the Career Office ( it is possible to post job and internship position advertisements with practical navigation functions and a concise presentation of the most important information. In addition, the Office supports the creation of an employer account and the maintenance of a company profile with independent posting and management of a company's job positions.

The Career Office facilitates the gradual establishment of candidates' profiles with biographical data,  linked with a unified login system, which includes direct communication functions between employers and candidates. It also provides daily updates on academic issues, such as invitations to postgraduate and lifelong learning programmes, scholarships, and doctoral studies.

Finally, the Career Office operates an alumni platform (, where UoWM alumni have the opportunity to connect with each other based on criteria, such as discipline and geographical location. In addition, it enables alumni to seek investors for business ideas through the platform, which also allows postgraduate programmes to export statistical information about graduates (e.g.,  integration in the labour market).


Career Office

Alumni Platform

4. Student Ombudsman

The Student Ombudsman  aims to mediate between students and the University academic staff or administrative services, to observe legality in the framework of academic freedom, manage maladministration cases and safeguarding a structured and well-functioning environment within the University. The Student Ombudsman has no authority in matters of exams and students' grades.

The Student Ombudsman investigates cases, ex officio or following a student's report, and mediates with University competent bodies for the resolution of problems. He/She can request any information, document, or other evidence on the case from University services, interview individuals, conduct investigations, and order an expert opinion. In case of illegal actions, incompetent management or disruption of the proper functioning of the University, the Student Ombudsman draws up reports which are notified to the competent Professor or administrative service and the student who submitted the report and mediates problems by any appropriate means.

The Student Ombudsman is eligible to file ambiguous, unsubstantiated, or unproven reports, whereas in case of disciplinary misconduct, the case is forwarded to a competent disciplinary legal authority.

Student Ombudsman

5. Erasmus Office

The Erasmus Office of the University of Western Macedonia runs the European Erasmus+ programme and, more specifically, student and staff mobility to and from Higher Education Institutions and Host Institutions abroad. The major objective of the Office is to effectively contribute to the University internationalisation and promote intercultural understanding and extroversion. In line with this mission, the Erasmus Office at the University of Western Macedonia aims to actively participate in and disseminate European and international developments. To achieve this objective, the office has outlined a series of related actions. (more information

Erasmus Office

6. Student Placement/ Internship Office

The office  ( in:

  • ensuring timely preparation of relevant printed material in collaboration with the Administration Services of the Academic Units and the library.
  • facilitating students' internships in collaboration with Department Heads and Administration Services, to ensure efficient student placements, and fostering effective links between education and production/industry stakeholders.
  • gathering and processing information to be disseminated to students regarding human resources in the labour market.
  • providing guidance to students on available opportunities and the required procedures to achieve positive outcomes in their efforts to secure employment.
  • establishing business connections with students interested in working in a specific field.
  • providing information to students about Lifelong Education Programmes.

Intership Office

7. Technology Transfer Office

The Technology Transfer Office ( aims to register and protect new research findings and knowledge generated from University activities, including intellectual property through patents, diplomas modification and certificates of utility models of expertise, granting licenses for property rights in the private and public sectors, securing funding for the University research activities from domestic and European entities, and facilitating the creation of spin-offs.

The Technology Transfer Office of the University of Western Macedonia:

  • offers educational initiatives to the research and academic community of the University. By organizing seminars, workshops and other events, the Office aims at informing researchers about the possibilities of leveraging their research outcomes, fostering collaborations with local and national companies to promote research and innovation as well as interconnection of research laboratories with the labour market and entrepreneurship.
  • organises events to inform the academic community about upcoming national and international/European calls for proposals. By organizing seminars, it promotes researchers’ training for submitting proposals, entering into partnerships with Greek universities and national and international research and development stakeholders.
  • provides support to the research and academic community of the University by keeping records of research outcomes, and search for commercial opportunities to leverage the specific outcomes and ensure research funding. Promotion of entrepreneurship within the university community is achieved by establishing start-up companies and offering guidance for securing Intellectual Property Rights.
  • assists university researchers in identifying technology demands and needs as well as proper research and innovation infrastructure, by creating and making information material available and participating in national and international development and innovation forums as well as by networking with the labour market.

Technology transfer Office

8. Holistic Support

In the context of the Holistic approach of the UoWM ( to maintain health and more broadly, to support biological and social well-being, an integrated network of actions has been designed and implemented to support all human resources of the Institution and the improvement of its daily living conditions. More specifically, sports and cultural programs (learning yoga, tennis, martial arts, traditional & Latin dances, chess, theater groups, operation of gymnasiums, rowing groups, swimming pool activities, etc.) are implemented either in privately owned facilities of the University or in the premises of cooperating local bodies. At the same time, initiatives are taken to encourage the culture of social contribution and volunteerism while targeted awareness-raising actions are also carried out.

Holistic Support