The UOWM Open eClass platform is a complete Electronic Course Management System. It follows the philosophy of open source software and supports the Asynchronous Distance Learning service without limitations and commitments. Access to the service is done using a simple web browser without requiring specialized technical knowledge.
The UOWM Open eClass platform is based on the Open eClass platform which is an integrated Electronic Course Management System and is the proposal of the GUnet Academic Internet Company, to support the Asynchronous Distance Education Service. It was developed and is actively supported by the GUnet Asynchronous Distance Learning Group and is freely distributed as Open Source Software under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
The content of the e-courses hosted on the UOWM Open eClass platform, as well as the copyright of such material, belong to their authors and GUnet claims no rights to it. For any use or re-publication of the content please contact the responsible of the respective courses.
UOWM Open eClass address : https://eclass.uowm.gr
UOWM Open eclass guides for Students : https://docs.openeclass.org/en/student
eclass registration instructions for Undergraduate and postgraduate students :