Learning outcomes:

The irruption of ecology in the last part of the twentieth century is a major shift in scientific paradigms, particularly on how humans view, understand, and interact with nature. Sustainable development refers to the economic development that is planned and implemented taking into account the protection of the environment and sustainability. Sustainability is guided by the maximum possible acquisition of goods from the environment, but without interrupting the natural production of these products in sufficient quantity in the future. Sustainable development presupposes the development of the productive structures of the economy along with the infrastructure for a sensitive attitude towards the natural environment and ecological problems (as defined by traditional sciences such as geography). Sustainability implies that natural resources are being exploited at a slower rate than the rate at which they are being renewed, otherwise environmental degradation will take place. Theoretically, the long-term effect of environmental degradation is the inability of the earth's ecosystem to support human life  (ecological crisis).


  • Code :             X74
  • Semester :     7th
  • Effort :              7.5 ECTS
  • Hours :             3 per week
  • Type :                Environment
  • Department : Chemistry
  • Exams :             Yes

Course Contents:

Ecological systems. The concept of ecosystem, Structure of the ecosystem, Flow of energy in the ecosystem, Biogeochemical cycles, Management of ecosystems, The terrestrial ecosystems in Greece. Residential Environment. Elements of the environmental landscape and its influencing factors, population dynamics, residential space, data on the current environment in the Mediterranean, population and economic activities, land uses, Spatial and urban organization, Planning levels.

  • The destruction of tropical forests.
  • Floods and desertification.
  • Coastline erosion and shore loss.
  • Impact on biodiversity.
  • Sustainable development.
  • Ecologically sustainable cities.
  • Strategic plans for the development of cities. I.
  • Management of protected areas.
  • Ecotourism, environmental tourism, rural tourism.
  • Eco-labeling.
  • Environmental education.
  • Great ecological ideas- Missed opportunities.